LanguageCert SELT 4-facet exams are offered across B1-C2 CEFR levels and 2-facet exams across A1-B1 CEFR levels. All LanguageCert SELT exams must be taken at approved SELT Centres.
Candidates demonstrate their Listening, Writing, Reading & Speaking skills through tasks drawn from real-life events and based on a variety of topics which may also include contemporary issues
Candidates are interviewed individually to display their Speaking & Listening skills through a conversation on appropriate topics, guided by an Interlocutor and recorded to guarantee impartiality and possibility of remarking
Written and Spoken Exams can be taken on the same day or within 14 days of each other. LanguageCert SELT Candidates are, also, awarded LanguageCert International ESOL certificates when successfully completing the exam.
Download the LanguageCert SELT qualifications brochure.